0xxAI EN
0xxAI Ethereun Names (0xxAI EN) is an ethereum names (.eth) provider that is compatible with ENS database, blockchain, crypto wallets etc.. , as it can be reused for flips as a NFT on Opensea, get a subdomain and many more. Can be used in your personal wallet, having access to AI bots and the DAO.
Access To L0 AI Scanner Bot (unlocked)
L0 representing layers build on main one. Layer-0 (L0) is scanning newly launched tokens while no AI measures built on it, nor taken into consideration, it is there to help investors taking decisions faster.
Needed Stake: 0 0xxAI
0xxAI EN: NO
Access To L1 AI Bot (unlocked)
Layer-1 (L1) is built on L0, where it filters newly launched tokens to fewer ones that might be potential ones, the filtration process goes through complicated algorithms and scraping from the blockchain in order to choose the L1 tokens.
Needed Stake: 62,000 0xxAI
Access To L2 AI Bot (Locked)
Layer-2 (L2) is built on L1, where it filters tokens based on what is shared on L1 and sharing based on stricter criteria to provide safer tokens that might turn to great potential moonshots.
Needed Stake: 400,000 0xxAI
Access To L3 AI Bot (Locked)
Layer-3 (L3) is built on L2, L3 is providing high safety measures where it is will be stricter in choosing tokens, as it is saving investors more time making their researches on those tokens.
Needed Stake: 500,000 0xxAI
Access To GEM
GEM is where all safety measures is included, blockchain data, developers' activity, lock and ownership renounce, as tokens will be served in a golden plate where an investor have to only check telegram, twitter and website to increase chances of token's success (soon it will be all checked automatically)
Needed Stake: 600,000 0xxAI
0xxAI EN & 0xxAI holders will have the access to make proposals and vote, in order for the team to execute and follow community decisions.
Last updated